
Artemocion Dance & Leisure Studio 

Further Education Centre License No. 2023–028

License valid 2nd August 2023 -2nd August 2028

Artemocion Dance & Leisure Studio is the Home of all Arts. It offers a variety of lessons for everyone’s choice under one roof. All teachers and instructors are certified and qualified in their respective fields to ensure that we give the best to our students.

*Royal Academy of Dance Ballet (RAD)  RAD Exams are held Annually (all grades) 

To ensure Safe dance practice, candidates must have reached the following minimum age by 1st January(for exam sessions between Jan.& Aug or 1st September for exams sessions between Sept.& Dec, in the year the exam takes place.

Level                                                    Minimum age

Pre-Primary                                                   5

Primary in Dance                                           6

Grades 1- 5                                                   7

Grades 6-8                                                   11

Intermediate Found.                                    11

Intermediate                                                12

Adv.Found.                                                  13

Advanced 1                                                 14

Advanced 2                                                 15

Solo Seal                                                     15

Pass Rates

Pass Mark 40-55 points  Bronze

Merit 55-74 points Silver

Distinction 75-100 points  Gold

Uniforms- Leotard according to grades- ballet tights, ballet shoes- (character shoes & character skirt where applicable)

Royal Academy of Dance Little Ballerinas 2yrs 6 months  ( leotard – chiffon skirt-ballet shoes-ballet tights or socks) We advised that these will be bought after you make sure that the student wants to keep attending due to tender age)

*English Drama Lessons & Musical Theatre with London Academy of Music & Dramatic Arts Exams are held annually.

Pass Mark 40-55 points  Bronze

Merit 55-74 points Silver

Distinction 75-100 points  Gold

*Rhythmic Gymnastics  

  •   Acro Dance Black Leotard – black shorts or ski pants
  •    Modern Jazz Choreography and Technique- comfortable clothes 
  •    Hip Hop Lesson -Comfortable clothes and running shoes
  •    Contemporary Teens classes
  • Commercial/Modern  Dancing- comfortable clothes
  • Kung Fu Martial Arts
  • Multi-Sensory Sessions ( Mornings only)
  • Various Craft courses with Lessons by Davinia Laferla Turner
  • Voice coaching and singing lessons are held regularly on an individual basis) by our professional teacher and singer Ms Annabelle  Vella Debono (Trinity Of London Exams.
  • Guitar lessons by Juan Sebastian ( Individual lessons)
  • Exams are held annually by foreign Examiners in the Royal Academy of Dance Ballet-Trinity London Music- International Dance Teachers Association -London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts
  • rad logolamda.

For further info please email us at scorpian.turner@yahoo.com (you can use the contact form here) or call us on 77049838 /77045835/ 77523607 / 27523607. Opportunities locally and abroad are guaranteed.
Visit @ 195, Majestic Court North Centre No.1 Triq Il Kbira Mellieha Malta MLH1515 (50 metres down Mithna Restaurant)

Artemocion Dance And Leisure Studio

Policy and Regulations & Guide Lines

Our policies at Artemocion Dance  & Leisure Studio are outlined below to keep all students safe and to help all students receive the most, from their training.

 Please read the list below, before starting the classes:
* All students are expected to be on time for their respective classes. If you know that the student may be a few minutes late please notify the front desk. If a student is more than 15 minutes late they may be asked to sit down and watch; this is to protect them from possible injury if not warmed up properly.

*Personal Hygiene is important before coming to the class

* If a student is late, it is expected that the student quietly opens the door and waits for the teacher to ask them in.
* At the start of every class, the teacher will open the door and welcome the students in. Please do not send your child into the dance studio until the teacher has called the class in.
* All students entering the dance studio at the start of class should be fully ready with proper dance attire and hair pulled back. Please see the dress code per class registered below. Please have your child come ready or you may use our dressing room.
* All bags, shoes, and personal belongings need to stay in the reception area or dressing room.
* No food, drinks, street shoes, or mobile phones inside the dance studio. Water is permissive.
* Other Drinks and snacks may be eaten in the reception; however NO Peanut related bars or snacks, please.
* No running, rough play, or screaming in the reception area or hallways.
* If a student is absent, a makeup class is available. Please call the front desk to advise. No refund is given for missed classes.
* No refunds are given on registered classes. Registered classes are non-transferable to other students.
* All students are expected to follow proper dance etiquette, which will be taught during their dance training.

*Disruptive behaviour or bullying will not be tolerated. If a student consistently misbehaves, the director will notify the parent immediately.

*An electronic handbook for all students will soon be found on the website.

  • A consent form regarding pictures, videos or any related media activities, needs to be signed when applying for a class.
  • Privacy: All personal information gathered through the application forms is only for the administration of Artemocion Dance &Leisure Studio of Dance. The information we may collect from you includes your name, address, telephone numbers, email addresses, medical information and perhaps credit card or bank details are to be administered and managed for invoicing and are not shared with third parties.
  • Website updated on 01//01/2025